Henderson library collects 100 kilograms of batteries to become Call2Recycle’s ‘2017 Winnipeg Waste Ace’ 


Winnipeg, MB – December 20, 2017 – To encourage residents in Winnipeg to keep batteries out of landfills, Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. partnered with Winnipeg Public Library to host a contest focused on keeping batteries out of our landfills. From October 16-30, 2017, 18 Winnipeg Public Library branches competed to create the most eye-catching battery display and collect the most weight in spent batteries to earn the title of 2017 Winnipeg Waste Ace.

During an award presentation with Call2Recycle, Henderson Library was presented with a plaque naming them the 2017 Winnipeg Waste Ace winner of this year’s contest for collecting 100 kilograms of used batteries. Henderson Library also created a Halloween-themed creative visual display “recycle your BAT-teries” that included banners along with decals of bats along the windows to engage their community in the contest. 

“Congratulations to all our Winnipeg Public Library branches for participating in Call2Recycle’s 2017 contest”, said Ed Cuddy, Manager of Library Services.” The Winnipeg Waste Ace contest educates and informs our community about the importance of recycling batteries and unites library staff and citizens in a common cause to keep batteries out of our landfill sites. And a special thanks to the staff and customers of Henderson Library on winning this year’s Waste Ace title!”

In addition, two libraries were presented plaques for best demonstrating their recycling commitment through in-library displays.  Sir William Stephenson Library used infographics to tell the recycling story, while Westwood Library included a recycled battery use ‘tip’ – the ‘anti-witch device’.

“In just a little over 2 weeks, our Winnipeg Waste Ace contest collected over 600 kilograms of batteries thanks to the support of libraries like Henderson Library,” said Joe Zenobio, President, Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. “We’re pleased to support this contest that brings awareness to the importance of recycling batteries, as well as brings the community together.”

Although the Waste Ace Contest has ended for 2017, Winnipeg Public Library branches continue to collect batteries for recycling through the Call2Recycle program year-round. Call2Recycle accepts household batteries (weighing up to 5 kg). To find the drop-off location nearest you at a library, please visit Winnipeg.ca/libraries or see call2recycle.ca.

About Call2Recycle Canada, Inc.

Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. is committed to protecting and preserving the environment through collecting and recycling consumer batteries. Founded in 1997, the not-for-profit organization works on behalf of stakeholders to provide its battery recycling program to consumers across Canada through 8,000 convenient drop-off locations. Visit call2recycle.ca.


For more information, please contact:

Lian Novak
Environics Communications
(416) 969-1654

Linda Gabor
VP of Marketing & Customer Service, Call2Recycle®
(678) 218-1082

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