Recharge your home before the end of Daylight Saving Time with five tips from Call2Recycle®

As Canadians prepare to turn back their clocks on November 5th, Call2Recycle encourages replacing and recycling your batteries! 

Toronto, ON – October 30, 2017 – This fall, Call2Recycle Canada, Inc., Canada’s national consumer battery collection and recycling organization, is reminding Canadians to recharge their homes in conjunction with Daylight Saving Time.

Many sources note that Canada was one of the first countries to turn their clocks forward for the first daylight saving time in 1908. As Canada goes into its 109th year of turning back our clocks, there are a few important tasks that should be completed, including replacing and recycling the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Are you ready to ‘fall back?’ Here are five simple ways to recharge your home before the end of Daylight Saving Time:

  1. Turn back your clocks: Despite being the simplest and most obvious reminder on the list, it’s one of the most important! On November 5, don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour at 2 a.m. Although many digital clocks and smartphones automatically adjust, don’t forget to change the clocks on your appliances (stoves, microwaves, etc.), coffee machines, watches and of course the good, old-fashioned battery-powered clocks.
  2. Put safety first: Take time to test and replace the batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. This is a crucial component of household safety and one that often is forgotten… It’s incredibly important to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that work properly so you can keep your family and house safe.
  3. Prep for winter: Winter is on the horizon and Daylight Saving Time is the perfect seasonal reminder to get your home winter ready. Capitalize on your extra hour by updating your families’ emergency kit with new batteries, a flashlight, candles, matches and a lighter for that inevitable winter storm!
  4. Say goodbye to summer: According to study commissioned by Call2Recycle, battery “hoarding” typically lasts at least several months – almost the same length of time Canadians spend trying to hang onto summer. Make sure you’ve removed the batteries in staple summer items – such as patio lights, outdoor speakers, etc. – so they can be properly stored for winter.
  5. Recycle your batteries: While you’re replacing the batteries in various household items, don’t forget to recycle them! Properly disposing of used batteries has a positive impact on the environment by keeping them out of landfills. Call2Recycle collects batteries for recycling and materials are extracted and used to make new products, including silverware, golf clubs, new batteries and much more.

“So far, this year, Call2Recycle has collected and recycled over 2 million kilograms of batteries across Canada, and we encourage Canadians to use occurrences like Daylight Saving Time to keep up the great work,” said Joe Zenobio, President, Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. “The end of Daylight Saving Time is the perfect opportunity to remind Canadians how simple it is to responsibly recycle their batteries.”

Taking the time to turn in your batteries is as simple and convenient as turning back the clock. With 8,000 collection sites across the country, ninety-one per cent of Canadians live within 15 kilometers of one. To find a collection site, Canadians can visit the Call2Recycle locator, plug in their postal code and find their nearest recycling location within seconds.

About Call2Recycle Canada, Inc.

Call2Recycle Canada, Inc. is committed to protecting and preserving the environment through collecting and recycling consumer batteries. Founded in 1997, the not-for-profit organization works on behalf of stakeholders to provide its battery recycling program to consumers across Canada through 8,000 convenient drop-off locations. Visit

For more information, please contact:

Lian Novak

Environics Communications
(416) 969-1654

Linda Gabor

VP of Marketing & Customer Service, Call2Recycle® 
(678) 218-1082

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